You’re here because you’ve realised that your



You have a big vision to change your corner of the world, but people aren’t buying it and you’re not sure why

You’re becoming disillusioned about what it means to build a PURPOSE-LED business

Wondering if PURPOSE has to come at the expense of PROFIT after all



Monthly coaching to bring your business to LIFE

for impact-driven founders passionate about creating lasting positive change

Together we grow your business as a force for good…

  • Introductory 90 minute deep dive session

  • Two 60 minute online sessions per month

  • Support and spot coaching between calls

  • Minimum of 3 months commitment

  • Investment of £350 / month


  • You started your business because you wanted to make a difference and knew you had more to give.

  • And although you still feel that sense of purpose deep in your bones, there’s a large part of your potential lying frustratingly untapped.

  • Some days you feel like you’re right back at square one, wondering what it is that you’re doing wrong, when it feels like you’re doing everything you know how to.

You know you want to make this work, you’re just not sure how to do it in a way that FEELS GOOD and GETS RESULTS.

Starting a purpose-led business is in many respects, the hardest part.

It’s a leap of faith into the unknown. 

Leaving behind a stable salary and stepping into a world where success isn’t solely focussed on income.

Once you take the leap (or even the first steps), it feels like everything else should be easy.

But the thing is, even though you are super duper clear on why you’re doing this and why your work matters to people and the planet, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is.

Even though you are awesome at what you do and care about delivering a great service to your clients, that doesn’t mean that you are packaging your skills in a way that actually provides the solution they need.

And even though you have gotten used to being the lone wolf in a world of conformity, it doesn’t mean that it’s obvious to your potential clients why they should hire you.

We’ve been brought through an education system and a working culture that rewards getting to the right answer as quickly as possible.

But what got you here won’t get you there.

As purpose-led business owners the most valuable lesson we can learn is to embrace the problem we are solving, rather than jumping straight to a solution.

Hi, I’m Debbie!

I specialise in helping impact driven eco-preneurs design, build and grow a meaningful business so that they can earn well while also making a lasting positive difference to people and the planet.

As an ex-corporate Geophysicist, I’ve learnt that succeeding as a purpose-led entrepreneur actually requires many of the same ingredients as succeeding as an employee:

Having a clear goal of where you want to get to

Knowing what sets you apart from others

Being able to communicate your strengths

Surrounding yourself with trusted advocates

Whereas in a workplace you are part of a system, as a business owner you get to choose how you do this.

You can choose to have a glossy website, try to shout the loudest, be all over social media, and set up elaborate and unnecessarily complex sales funnels.

Or you can choose to build real and meaningful connections based on trust, you can take time to talk (and listen) to your customers and find out what they really need and you can get to know yourself better too.


This is why so many businesses fail - because when the first approach doesn’t work, we get stuck in the pit of not knowing, instead of moving up the learning curve and out the other side.

As a purpose driven change-maker, your deep seated why gives you the roots to keep going and truly set your business apart.

It will allow you to find that sweetspot between the thing you are good at, want to offer to the world and other people both need and are willing to pay for.

I help you build…



In what makes your business stand out above the noise

In who your best fit client is and why they should hire you

In why your work deeply matters

In what it is that you really want from your business



To build new and meaningful relationships that weave a network of support

To market your business in a way that doesn’t feel sales or icky

To define your services and set your prices so that it’s a win-win for everyone



In sticking to a plan by building systems that work for you and your business

In taking small, regular steps of the right action

In acknowledging how far you’ve come

What my clients say…

I left the session feeling clear on some key changes I needed to make to my business so that I can have more down time for myself and more quality time with my young family.
— Tierna Byrne, Marketing Consultant

What you can expect from working with me

  • Progress at your pace so you can ease into new challenges in a way that feels satisfying

  • Swapping time management for energy management so you no longer feel the need to be ‘on’ all the time but still get things done

  • Building trust in yourself so that decision making becomes easier and you rely on your intuition that little bit more

  • Space to explore new ideas and a safe place to practice how you would like to bring them to the world

  • Bringing in your body so you can become more aware of your patterns and gently build choice into how you approach your business


What you know not to expect

  • A cookie cutter one-size-fits-all approach

  • Encouraging you to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ or ‘fake it til you make it’

  • Overlooking the context within which you are living

What we will cover in our time together

  • Vision, Mission & Values

    The foundation on which your business is built

  • Defining your Niche

    Getting clear on the problem you solve, who you solve it for and why it matters

  • Building a Compelling Offer

    Finding the sweet spot between how you like to work and the solution your customers are looking for

  • Sustainable Business Model

    Looking at how your revenue streams support your financial and purpose-driven goals

  • Client Ecosystem

    Ethical marketing practices to build your community based on real and meaningful relationships

  • Refining your Working Practices

    Supporting you to make impact while finding rhythm and pace in your work

  • Planning for growth

    Processes and systems to support the long term health of your business

Some more lovely words…

You helped me put a plan together to further a passion project but it’s achievable & I don’t feel guilty about committing time to it either despite having a young family.
— Sarah Boulton-Lyon, The Lyons Pen Copywriting

What’s Included?

Introductory 90 minute deep dive session

Two 60 minute online sessions per month

Support and spot coaching between calls

Minimum of 3 months commitment

Investment of £350 / month



  • I will be in touch to arrange a chat so that we can both confirm that we are a good fit. You’ll have all the time and space you need to make a final decision.

  • I work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and have a limited number of sessions per month. If you have specific time requirements drop me an email at and we can see what might work.

  • Despite my experience and qualifications as a professional coach being equivalent those who charge more, I’ve deliberately decided to keep my rates lower. This is a conscious choice I've made and one that feels fair to me. I know my worth and my pricing is not tied to my self-worth or any negative beliefs about money.

Ready to dive in?

Still not sure?

I am committed to making sure that this is a good fit for your needs.

If you still have some questions before you apply, or would like to chat about whether Flow is right for you and your business at this time, click below to book a call.